Tag Archives: communication

Plant Communication by Shelby Aesthetic Clairvoyant Guest Blogger

Plant Communication

Most of us have heard of exchanging energy with people, and some may even do it with various animals or pets, but what about plants? Some of the first energy exchanges I had upon my awakening were with plants, particularly trees. Most of them love to communicate. I have added a picture below to show an example of plant communication.

Does this mean plants have a conscience? YES. What does this mean for us as a species? As vegetarians or meat eaters? Well, like other animals, we have an energetic agreement with different species based on our development. Have you have noticed the amount of vegetarians and vegans that are present? It will only grow. What happens once we evolve past eating plants? In my opinion, it will be light. In other words, human beings will evolve to the point where we are processing light to “feed” off of. This may sound absolutely nuts but it is my opinion. Plants use photosynthesis to eat light. Animals eat plants, and humans have eaten animals for a long time. Does this mean that some animal species and plants are more evolved than us? HAHA!! Now you’re following me!

Lots of people think that plants and animals are not as evolved as we are because they do not have the same kind of conscience as human beings, but I do believe we are looking at this all wrong. Plants use a method called photosynthesis to eat light, animals eat those plants because they are denser beings, and we eat those animals. Plants, in my opinion are the higher evolved beings.

As the human body evolves we will have less need for eating animals and eventually plants. We will evolve to a place where we learn to eat light. I know this sounds really “out there” for a lot of people, but it is my opinion. Do plants have feelings? Yes, just as much as a cow or a human. I am not saying this to make anyone feel terrible for eating a salad or a burger, we are all in different places of holding light. These are just my thoughts on food. In the future I see all of mankind learning to process light to eat. There is no wrong place to be in the great evolution of our species. We are all growing at our own pace and in our own time.

So what about plant communication? Like I mentioned above, my first communication after “waking up” was with plants. I have learned how to push my energy into a plant for communication. I have used a tree as an example, since they seem to be the easiest and most open for communication.  Typically, I will push my heart out to the tree. Once anchored, we push the energy all the way down to the heart of the earth to re-anchor. Once in place there, we pull it back up through me and anchor back at my heart, then push up to source for another anchor. As soon as it attaches here we pull back down to the tree and continue a circular pattern for as long as we wish.

I have spent hours with the plants and trees in my own backyard. It is a great source for grounding and meditation! I urge every person to to try it, especially if you already have plants you are attached to. It is simply another method of communication to earth.

Visit Shelby here at these links.



Questions? Email me at Thirdeyebetty@gmail.com or visit my website here



Inner guidance

Welcome to teaching Tuesday

  • How do we start to listen
  • Following your inner guidance

“Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness”

Shakti Gawain

  • Moves us towards love-for ourselves and others
  • It ultimately brings enjoyment.
  • There is no sinking feeling that something is wrong
  • The body unclenches
  • There is a sense of clarity, excitement, and or excitement, or relief, and undeniable knowing.
  • Your inner guidance is never ending and always there

Inner guidance is always present, the voice of this guidance may be quiet , but it is always present, guiding us to navigate the river of our lives with perfect intelligence.

Are we listening or is the inner cacophony too deafening to hear?

What makes us turn away:

  • It is not a voice in our heads telling us what we should or shouldn’t do.
  • It is not a story justifying our actions.
  • It may not look logical.
  • It is not what we are propelled to do out of fear
  • Or out of neediness
  • It cannot be discerned when are clouded by strong emotions.

where is the room in our crowded entangled minds

When our internal experience is crowded with stories, opinions, doubt, justifications, fear and other emotions we aren’t quiet enough to allow the truth to be heard.  This is where we run into trouble.

If we make decisions by listening to the noise and not the silence these decisions come from fear and unconsciousness.  We suffer the consequences.

The pull of noise can be very strong

So strong that we don’t even consider stopping, pausing, or inquiring into what is the best or right.  We blindly choose, or we opt for what seems the logical or appropriate.

We take the path that fits our ideas of how things are supposed to be.  We are swayed by intense emotions.

We ignore the gentle tap on the shoulder that could show us the way

  • “nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself”
  • Start small
  • Fine tune
  • Benchmark your “yes”
  • Benchmark your “no”
  • Practice
  • Trust
  • Live it in the moment

Clues of communication

  • Physical sensations
  • This decision is physically telling you, with your stomach, your skin, your heart.

Feeling sick to your stomach with a decision?

Your skin is crawling?

Your skin hurts

Your heart sinks, literally feels like your heart is sinking or drops

Be quiet

Focus, ask, and tune in

Listen and receive

  • Quiet
  • Be quiet, have the environment quiet. If your mind will not stop ask it to stop, ask it to come to a focus of quiet (this takes practice)
  • Less stimulants – caffeine, prescription drugs, t.v., radio, people.
  • Meditation
  • Ask emotions to leave, and to quiet (takes practice) if you have just had a big fight with someone, its going to be tough to ask your mind to mellow out, so do this when you are not charged or reacting to emotion.
  • Ground and ground and ground – the connection to the earth helps, and will start to soothe you. Grounding soothes the beast
  • Focus gently, ask quietly, tune in to yourself, your body, and listen. Takes time doesn’t happen right away.  You have been ignoring this for so long, and now you are opening it, takes time to open.
  • You may not get anything right at first, keep asking guidance is on the way, but it has to find the best way for you to get it.


You have to make an effort, and this practice is daily, keep asking, keep striving.


Staying open to your inner guidance

  • Plug in daily- meditate just for a minute and batta bing you will be back to the zone of peaceful, stillness inside where you can listen.
  • Journaling – write down your thoughts and feelings, dump them on paper and out of your head. This allows a clearer stream of inspiration.
  • paint, create, exercise this helps to stay in the now, instead of thinking of the past or the future. You are here now
  • Shower or bathe water is good, swim, helps clear the energy, and get rid of mind bombs and debri.
  • tools = crystals, oils, incense, an object a flower, circle, picture.
  • Spiritual books can boost you too, help to get you in that zone, remember they also have a vibration.
  • Divination tools
  • Many different forms
  • How you feel about yourself

has a lot to do with communication skills to your soul/higher self.

For the internal guidance you really must love the person who is looking upward to the soul for help, for that inner advice.

If you are not at a place of love and acceptance of yourself, your inner guidance will see this as a disconnect.  Must have acceptance of who you are.

If you are angry and mad, well that is not the right time to listen to your internal guidance, if you hear anything it will be to calm down.

Remember that communication to your higher self/soul is sacred, and valued.

The more grounding, harmony,clarity,connecting, centering work you do, the more you will find a channel to your inner self.  That has always been there waiting for you to ask. It is the your holy god self, waiting silently with in you.

What is connecting?


  • connecting
  • Is the activity of becoming connected to your higher being and remaining connected through your 3rd dimensional self.
  • It is the power aspect so you understand that your being is part of your god light.
  • You are not meant to use your life force when you are working with spiritual energy you are meant to connect into your light source and use the limitless light of universal substance.


crown infinity pattern

  • Crown infinity pattern you can use your fingertips or you can use your energy as it moves through you once you are grounded, and centered.  Esoteric energy healing, with just looking at the points and using energy to touch into each point.

Crown infinity pattern, helps with the pineal gland in this pattern on top of the head and is working with the pituitary gland in harmony.

  • It is a pattern of light, that initiates an opening with in the chakra.
  • This is the beginning of self realization

This picture is the merkaba, with the 7 circles, and Metatrons cube.  There is a lot going on in this picture, and know that it really doesn’t matter.  At a subconscious level you know this picture, and all that is inside of it, the vibration and what it can do for you.  You can feel it, use the energy.




  • Brings peace and balance

Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body.


Torodial merkaba

I am sure you can feel the vibration of this picture above, you can feel it pulling you, and reacting to your chakras also helps to ground your bodies within your physical form, you want to access the higher spiritual dimensions.  Grounding is essential to grow, and release old belief structures, that keep your thoughts and your heart bound to the illusion of earth.

Remember we talked about Torodial waves. The vortex ring.

thank you for reading, and happy trails to you.  Remember if your breathing, and you have a heartbeat your on your spiritual path.  Don’t take things too serious, have fun and live your life.

with love Renee