Tag Archives: energy work

Plant Communication by Shelby Aesthetic Clairvoyant Guest Blogger

Plant Communication

Most of us have heard of exchanging energy with people, and some may even do it with various animals or pets, but what about plants? Some of the first energy exchanges I had upon my awakening were with plants, particularly trees. Most of them love to communicate. I have added a picture below to show an example of plant communication.

Does this mean plants have a conscience? YES. What does this mean for us as a species? As vegetarians or meat eaters? Well, like other animals, we have an energetic agreement with different species based on our development. Have you have noticed the amount of vegetarians and vegans that are present? It will only grow. What happens once we evolve past eating plants? In my opinion, it will be light. In other words, human beings will evolve to the point where we are processing light to “feed” off of. This may sound absolutely nuts but it is my opinion. Plants use photosynthesis to eat light. Animals eat plants, and humans have eaten animals for a long time. Does this mean that some animal species and plants are more evolved than us? HAHA!! Now you’re following me!

Lots of people think that plants and animals are not as evolved as we are because they do not have the same kind of conscience as human beings, but I do believe we are looking at this all wrong. Plants use a method called photosynthesis to eat light, animals eat those plants because they are denser beings, and we eat those animals. Plants, in my opinion are the higher evolved beings.

As the human body evolves we will have less need for eating animals and eventually plants. We will evolve to a place where we learn to eat light. I know this sounds really “out there” for a lot of people, but it is my opinion. Do plants have feelings? Yes, just as much as a cow or a human. I am not saying this to make anyone feel terrible for eating a salad or a burger, we are all in different places of holding light. These are just my thoughts on food. In the future I see all of mankind learning to process light to eat. There is no wrong place to be in the great evolution of our species. We are all growing at our own pace and in our own time.

So what about plant communication? Like I mentioned above, my first communication after “waking up” was with plants. I have learned how to push my energy into a plant for communication. I have used a tree as an example, since they seem to be the easiest and most open for communication.  Typically, I will push my heart out to the tree. Once anchored, we push the energy all the way down to the heart of the earth to re-anchor. Once in place there, we pull it back up through me and anchor back at my heart, then push up to source for another anchor. As soon as it attaches here we pull back down to the tree and continue a circular pattern for as long as we wish.

I have spent hours with the plants and trees in my own backyard. It is a great source for grounding and meditation! I urge every person to to try it, especially if you already have plants you are attached to. It is simply another method of communication to earth.

Visit Shelby here at these links.



Questions? Email me at Thirdeyebetty@gmail.com or visit my website here

